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A Sincere and Professional service during your time of bereavement; contact Keohane’s Funeral home, with two locations and serving all of Cork


Available 24 hours

Arranging a Funeral

Who to notify

Immediately following the death, you should notify the next of kin, the deceased’s family doctor (GP). You should also notify a funeral director, who will help you with the funeral arrangements and guide you through the decisions which need to be made.If the death is sudden and unexpected, the Gardaí and Coroner may need to be informed e.g. if the doctor did not see the deceased at least 28 days before the death occurred or if the doctor is unhappy about the cause of death. The Coroner will decide if a post-mortem is necessary. If after a post-mortem the cause of death cannot be established, an inquest may be held.

Registering the death

To register a death, you must bring a medical certificate stating the cause of death to the Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths most convenient to you, within three months of the date on which the death occurred.More information about registering a death can be found on Department of Employment and Social Welfare Website.

Private service

This service is by invitation only and may be held at a place of worship, our funeral home or a family home. Usually, selected relatives and a few close friends attend the funeral service. Visiting hours are still an option. Typically, we discourage the idea of a “private service” because the people attending any funeral service care about and know your family. Having a “public service” does not mean that a bunch of strangers will attend.

Memorial Service

A memorial service is a service without the deceased present and can vary in ceremony and procedures. Some families prefer public visitations followed by a private or graveside service with a memorial service later at the church or funeral home.

CremationToday, all of the Christian denominations, including the Catholic Church and the Church of Ireland allow Cremation. As with burials, it is normal, but not obligatory to have the appropriate services celebrated in the local Church. The coffin is then removed to the chapel in the Crematorium grounds where a short committal service, similar to that at the graveside in the case of burial may take place.

Pre-paid funeral plan

A Pre-Paid Funeral Plan allows any person the opportunity to plan in advance, and make financial provision for a funeral sometime in the future. Pre-Paid Funeral Plans are often used to give assurance that the costs of a funeral will not be a source of difficulty, especially to relatives and friends. They are sometimes used to order and thereby guarantee desired funeral arrangements.


Friends and/or relatives may be asked to carry a loved one’s casket at the place of service. This is to be considered a great honour and should be undertaken with great respect. Because safety is a top priority, we recommend people with a strong back. If someone is unable to carry the casket, they may act as an honorary pallbearer. Some families may prefer to use our team of professional funeral bearers


A eulogy or remembrance may be given by a member of the family or a close friend. The eulogy should offer praise and commendation and celebrate the life of the person who has lived. The family is responsible for making this decision


Wearing colourful clothing is no longer inappropriate. Those attending a funeral should be dressed appropriately so as to show dignity and respect for the family and the occasion.

Funeral Procession

When the funeral ceremony and the burial are both held within the local area, friends and relatives may accompany the family to the cemetery. The procession is formed at the funeral home, church or place of service. The funeral director can advise you of the traffic regulations and procedures to follow while driving in a funeral procession. Always use caution while driving in a procession. Safety is always our primary concern.

Sympathy Cards

Sending a card of sympathy, even if you are only an acquaintance, is an appreciated gesture. The card should be in good taste and in keeping with your relationship to the family of the deceased.

Personal Note

A personal note of sympathy is very meaningful. Express yourself openly and sincerely. An expression such as “I’m sorry to learn of your loss” is welcomed by the family and can be kept with other messages.

Telephone Call

Speaking to a family member gives you an opportunity to offer your support and let them know you really care. If they wish to discuss their loss, don’t hesitate to talk with them about the deceased. Be a good listener!

Stay in Touch

Remember that grief doesn’t go away in a few short weeks. Adjusting and healing after a loss can be a lifelong process. Special days like birthdays or holidays may be the perfect time to pick up the phone and say, “I was thinking of you today.”

Informing the Department of Social and Family Affairs

If the person who died was in receipt of a social welfare payment, including a state pension, or was a dependent on another person’s payment, you will also need to inform the Department of Social and Family Affairs. More information on what to do when someone dies can be found on the Citizens Information website.

Keohane’s Cork Funeral Directors

Copley Street, Cork,

Knights Hill, Old Youghal Road, Co. Cork, Ireland


Phone: +353 21 4311000

Opening hours

24 Hour Service

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